Thursday, 10 May 2012

Evaluaton Question 3

In the beginning we created an animatc to represent what we wanted to do for our music video. We matched our drawings up with the song and presented it to our class for feedback. The positive feedback was that they thought we had used a good range of shot types and angles. Negative criticisms we received were that the story line was not made very clear by the narrative and we were asked to explain the basics of the story. We also got criticised for not having much movement in our shots and they all appeared quite stationery and those shots didn't suit the music video. After this we went back to our animatic and put in more movement for the shots that needed it and timed the shots better to the beat of the music.

After this we created a rough cut for our music video using some shots that we had already filmed. Based on the feedback we got when presenting our rough cuts to the class we got lots of positive feedback on how we played around with the colour of each shot. We decided to use this to our advantage and use the three way colour wheel to make certain shots with one character a bit more warm with sepia tones and make some shots for the character a lot more colder with more blue tones to it. Advancing the theme of the divide between the two characters.
We also got very positive feedback on playing around candles and different types of lighting so when we filmed more we put into practise the idea we had of filming lots of candles being blown out and then using premier pro to put these shots in reverse and changing the speed. The audience responded to this positively as it was unexpected and quite unusual. Me and my partner also discovered an app on the iphone which created a flashing strobe light effect with a light on the back of the phone. We filmed the strobe light against a plain wall with the shadow of hand that made it look like someone was running. We got good feedback on this shot and the reverse candle shot was what was mentioned a lot but it is questionable if the strobe effect necessarily fit the theme of the video.
Some negative feedback we got on our rough cuts is that our shots were static and still and there wasn't very much action. We tried to fix this by adding a fight scene at the end of the music video. We also turned the shots upside down and backwards to the beat to create more movements in whilst using the same shots.
Our shots on our rough cut didn't go with the beat so whilst we edited further on our music video we counted along to the sound of the beat and cut most shots on the 4th beat but towards the end we disrupted the order and cut the shots to the off beats so that the music video didn't feel too repetitive which we got criticised for earlier on when we presented our rough cuts.

Once we finished the music video and all the details were finalised we presented it to our class for the final time to receive feedback. The positive comments mainly focused on our variety of shot types and editing including cutting the shots to the beat and the use of the reverse effect on the candles. We also got positive feedback on how we had developed the colour scheme for our two main characters and that they liked how we had changed the colours using the three way colour wheel and that it made more unusual fitting our synth-pop/electro genre. The main comments on the negative feedback were that the narrative was still a bit unclear but felt that it suited the song more than having an obvious story line. Overall there was a good response to our music video from our audience, even getting such comments as 'It was scary" which means we got a reaction to our music video which is what we wanted.

We then had to create a magazine advert and a digi pak cover for our music. We presented drafts of each and overall got mainly positive feedback. We used the same masks that we had used for the music video in the magazine advert and cover of the digi pak and it was commented that this was a good idea as it created a clear link between the music video and its advertising. We got negative feedback on our choice of fonts and where we placed them as you couldn't see them very clearly so when it came to making the poster and digi pak we played about with the fonts and there placements to see which one was the clearest and suited the genre the best.

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