Establishing shot
For both shots we used an establishing shot to show where it was set and the location. For our prelimanary task we decided to pan around the classroom to show the whole setting. However we did not use a tripod. We filmed it by hand and this made it slightly shakey and less stable. However in the final product we used a similar shot panning the same way as we did in our preliinary task but this time we used a tripod so it was a lot more steady and looked more professional.
Close up
In the prelimanary task we did a close up to show the emotion on the characters face. When we came to do our final product we decided to use another close up but this time from a higher angle that made our victim look more vulnerable, we learnt that using different angles rather than a shot at normal level that is straight forward would give our final product a uniqueness and this helped us to come up with more original ideas.
In both shots we had to film our characters moving on stairs. In our prelimanary task we did not use a tripod and we didn't properly think about the framing of the shots, so when our character was going up the stairs it was very shakey and unstable and she didn't fit in the frame properly and the shot looked very basic. In our final product we used a tripod to make it more steady when we followed character and we also though about the framing so it looked more appealing.
In both shots we see the characters go through a doorway. In our prelimanry task we filmed it from a high angle but in our final product we decided to use the 180 degree rule to follow her movement from the bed through the doorway. We also put it at a lower angle than the one we used in our prelimanary task so it felt like we standing in the corner of the room watching the girl.