Our film opening "Balham Butcher" challenges and also conforms to the usual conventions of a horror opening sequence. Other films that share the same basis of our plot are such movies like "Scream" and "Halloween" which both contain masked villains that go after their victims in the safety and comfort of their own home.
These shots show a classic convention of horor movies which is the masked villain, the mask takes away any human emotion which goes well with the character as villains usually have no emotions or remorse for their victims and thats why they can kill and torture people so easily.
Frame 1
Our first frame is from our opening shot which is an establishing shot, it mainly conforms to conventions as you first see the bare tree's and the empty landscape, it is also raining heavily and another convention of a horror movie is to have bad weather such as a thunderstorms or snow. The streetlight is on which also indicates that night is coming. Night time in horror movies is usually when the characters are the least safe so this shot conforms to conventions of horror movies.
Frame 2
This is a point of view shot just after the girl (victim) is hit over the head with a baseball bat. With this shot we used a video effect that made it look like she was dizzy and very disoriented after she got hit on the head. A usual convention of horror movies is to have effects that make the character look disorientated or have it tilt with the character which we included in this shot. However some horror movies would rather show the character falling then us see it from their point of view so we built upon these ideas and interpreted our own ways of creating disorientation,
Frame 3
I consider this shot to go against the conventions of a horror film as the framing is slightly different to how a clock would probably usually be filmed. When I have seen horror films if it does show a clock it sometimes just shows it from a typical straight on angle. I think by having the framing so that you cannot see the entire clock went against the conventions.
However I think the sounds in this shot does conform to the conventions, the clock has a slow eery tick to it suggesting there is only certain amount of time left till something happens.
Frame 4
In this shot we see the point of view of the villain who goes after its victim, this is slightly unusual as we don’t normally get to be with the villain, usually it as is seen as something to be afraid off but this gives us the feeling that there could be a vulnerability to the villain and that he is more open to our perception than we probably should be allowed.
Frame 5
I think this shot is and unusual shot to see in a horror film, we can see the headphones which the girl is going to get and we see the villain coming out from behind the girl. Usually we would see the girl and see the villain come up behind her but we decided we wanted to use the headphones in the shot so it is like we are far away hidden and we can’t help or warn the girl.
Frame 6
In terms of light this shot conforms to the usual conventions of a horror movie by being very dark, we cannot see the girl’s surroundings or where she is being dragged to which is used in horror movies to create suspense and worry for the victim. Horror movies are all about the unknown so darkness and not being able to see beyond a point conveys this.
Frame 7
In this shot we see an empty hallway with the titles across the bottom, I think this conforms to the conventions because the shot shoes us that there is no one else in the house and the girl is all alone and the darkness makes it feel eery and like anything could come out of the shadows, which is usually conveyed in similar ways in horror movies.
Frame 8
The costume we use in our film and shots like these conform to the conventions of horror movies as a masked villain has been used in horror movies since the beginning of the genre. The mask creates an emotionless person that we know nothing about and we cannot make a judgement on them as they have no identity, and this unsettles the audience. There is also no voice to this character in tis shot which gives the character a creepier feel. All of this has been showed in masked character such as Michael Myers and we built a character upon these conventions of masked murderers