Monday, 15 November 2010

Film Distributors

A film distributor is an idividual company or person responsible for pubishing and releasing films to the public, through either theatres or home viewing (DVD's etc). The distributor can do this directly like if they own theatres or networks for distribution or through sub-distrbutors.

20th Century Fox Film LTD
Films they have distributed are -
  • Avatar
  • Star Wars
  • Ice Age
  • X-men
  • Die Hard
  • Home Alone
  • Dr. Dolittle
Columbia Pictures
  • The Da Vinci Code
  • Casino Royal
  • RV
  • Lords of Dogtown
  • Memoirs of a Geisha
  • 50 first Dates
  • Peter Pan
  • Gothika
  • Big Fish
Momentum Pictures
  • Let the Right one in
  • Tsotsi
  • Dorian Gray
  • Just friends
  • Ps. I Love You
  • Youth in revolt
  • Dear John
  • The Crazies

20th Century Fox Film LTD
I would pick this company to distribute our film because its has distributed some very well known movies and they could dirtribute our film succesfully through theatres and DVD's as they are a well known name. However our plot is different to the usual movies they distibuted therefore benefitting the distributors by appealing to a wider audience.

Friday, 5 November 2010

What we learnt doing our preliminary task

Whilst we were filming the preliminary task we learnt how important it was to make sure the storyboard is clear and to stick to it because it effected the time management during the filming.
We learnt how different camera angles can really effect the outcome of the film and that a variety of different angles is good to keep an audience interested.
We learnt how to use the camera properly and how to use a tripod correctly and how it can help us pan around a room without it being shakey for our establishing shot tat the beginning.

We also learnt how to upload our film clips correctly and how to edit them effectively to improve our final coutcome. Such as cutting out bits we didn't want and adding titles and also using effects to fade out the end to make it look more proffessional rather than it just stopping abruptly.

We also learnt to not spend too much time on one shot as then we didnt get to film the whole task in the time it was given. Therefore if we tried to film it the next given day it would effect the quality of the film because we would be dressed differently, the lighting would be different and the setting may have had to change. So we re-filmed and time managed each shot properly the second time and got our whole film filmed in the time given so none of the aspects would have to change.

We learnt how to film a shot-reverse-shot correctly for scene where the teacher was speaking to the pupil and we also learnt how to use a point of view shot for when the girl see's the teachers hands slam down on the table in front of her. we also got to see how the different shots effected the flow of the film.